First appeared in NewsBreak

By Aron Solomon

Gun violence is a pressing issue in the United States, and exploring all avenues that can help prevent and address this problem is crucial. A new Illinois law signed this month by Governor JB Pritzker is designed to make it easier for victims of gun violence to sue gun makers. This law is seen by proponents on both the state and national scene as a step in the right direction and has several important benefits:


This law holds manufacturers responsible for their products by allowing victims to sue gun makers. It provides a legal avenue for victims to seek justice and compensation for the harm caused by guns. As Attorney Adriana Gonzalez observes, “As a recent Washington Post argued, this accountability can incentivize gun makers to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions to prevent gun violence.”

Access to Compensation

Victims of gun violence often face significant physical, emotional, and financial burdens. By suing gun makers, victims have a better chance of receiving compensation for their injuries and losses. This can help them cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and other financial burdens resulting from the incident.

Encouraging Responsible Conduct

The new law in Illinois is part of a larger movement to remove legal protections for the gun industry and ensure responsible conduct. It aims to level the playing field by treating the gun industry like any other industry, holding them accountable for their actions. This can encourage gun makers to implement stricter safety measures and responsible business practices.


Allowing victims to sue gun makers can serve as a deterrent against negligent behavior. When manufacturers know that they can be held liable for the consequences of their products, they are more likely to invest in research, development, and safety measures to prevent gun violence. This can contribute to reducing the number of incidents and improving overall public safety.

Closing Legal Loopholes

The new law in Illinois addresses the issue of gun industry immunity. While a federal law adopted in 2005 provides immunity to the gun industry, state laws can help push back against this immunity and provide avenues for justice. By enacting laws that allow victims to sue gun makers, states can close legal loopholes and ensure that victims have access to justice and fair remedies in court.

It is important to note that holding gun makers accountable does not absolve individuals of their responsibility. The primary responsibility lies with the person who commits the act of violence involving a firearm. However, allowing victims to sue gun makers provides additional accountability and can contribute to a safer society.

The new Illinois law that makes it easier for victims of gun violence to sue gun makers is seen by many as a positive step toward addressing the issue of gun violence in Illinois. Proponents of this new law argue that other states will follow its progress closely, as it promotes accountability, access to compensation, responsible conduct, deterrence, and closing legal loopholes. By allowing victims to seek justice and compensation, this law can contribute to preventing future incidents and improving public safety.

About Aron Solomon

A Pulitzer Prize-nominated writer, Aron Solomon, JD, is the Chief Legal Analyst for Esquire Digital and the Editor-in-Chief for Today’s Esquire. He has taught entrepreneurship at McGill University and the University of Pennsylvania, and was elected to Fastcase 50, recognizing the top 50 legal innovators in the world. Aron has been featured in ForbesCBS NewsCNBCUSA TodayESPNTechCrunchThe HillBuzzFeed, FortuneVenture BeatThe IndependentFortune ChinaYahoo!, ABA Journal,, The Boston GlobeYouTubeNewsBreak, and many other leading publications.

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