As first appeared in NewsBreak
By Aron Solomon
Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has been in the news this week because he just filed a lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani and Robert Costello, among others.
Here is what we know about the breaking news lawsuit and the events leading up to it:
Hunter Biden’s legal team sent letters to Giuliani, Costello, Steve Bannon, and 11 others, asking them to preserve potential evidence for future lawsuits related to the alleged dissemination of material from Hunter’s laptop.
Attorneys for Hunter Biden called for Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings and U.S. Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew G. Olsen to launch investigations into the actions of former computer repair shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac, Giuliani, Bannon, Costello, and others “for whom there is considerable reason to believe violated various Delaware laws in accessing, copying, manipulating, and/or disseminating Mr. Biden’s data.”
Costello said in an email to CBS News that Lowell’s letters to the Justice Department and Delaware Attorney General “constitute a frivolous legal complaint trying to intimidate”
The legal team representing Hinter Biden is going on the offensive, calling for state and federal investigations into the dissemination of material from his laptop. He has spent the last several years being the subject of investigations and exhaustive media scrutiny while also telling his story in a detailed memoir, asserting that he has nothing to hide. In Hunter Biden’s view, the people who have yet to be held accountable for their wrongdoing are the recipients of these letters.
Hunter Biden’s lawyers asked federal and state prosecutors to investigate people he accused of accessing and disseminating his private information.
Viewed through the most positive light for Hunter Biden and his legal team, these lawsuits are a new approach, signaling that he is not going to sit quietly by as what he sees as questionable characters continue to violate his rights.
Yet viewed through perhaps a more realistic political lens, the Hunter Biden lawsuits simply intensify a long-running saga involving his laptop and allegations of wrongdoing. As New Jersey criminal lawyer David Gelman remarked, “There is a time where a criminal defendant is best advised to stay out of the public spotlight.” There is a strong argument that the current approach taken by Hunter Biden is the wrong one for this given moment.
While this is the latest chapter in the Hunter Biden legal saga, it certainly won’t be the last. There will be much more to follow in the days and weeks ahead.
About Aron Solomon
A Pulitzer Prize-nominated writer, Aron Solomon, JD, is the Chief Legal Analyst for Esquire Digital and the Editor-in-Chief for Today’s Esquire. He has taught entrepreneurship at McGill University and the University of Pennsylvania, and was elected to Fastcase 50, recognizing the top 50 legal innovators in the world. Aron has been featured in Forbes, CBS News, CNBC, USA Today, ESPN, TechCrunch, The Hill, BuzzFeed, Fortune, Venture Beat, The Independent, Fortune China, Yahoo!, ABA Journal,, The Boston Globe, YouTube, NewsBreak, and many other leading publications.
A Pulitzer Prize-nominated writer, Aron Solomon, JD, is the Chief Strategy Officer for AMPLIFY. He has taught entrepreneurship at McGill University and the University of Pennsylvania, and was elected to Fastcase 50, recognizing the top 50 legal innovators in the world. Aron has been featured in Newsweek, The Hill, Fast Company, Fortune, Forbes, CBS News, CNBC, USA Today, ESPN, TechCrunch, BuzzFeed, Venture Beat, The Independent, Fortune China, Abogados, Today’s Esquire, Yahoo!, ABA Journal,, The Boston Globe, and many other leading publications across the globe.